Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own. - Bruce Lee
What are we doing here?
This is a great question. Over my career I’ve learned so much from and advanced in skill greatly through blogs of all types. And I’ve always admired the time and effort that it must’ve taken to put ‘all the things’ together to make that happen. Not to mention the selflessness in sharing the knowledge that each blogger put forth. So, that’s what I’d like to try to accomplish, giving back if only just a little. If one person is able to get something from the content here then I will have been a success.
A little about me (if you’re curious).
My name is Jason Rinehart and I’m currently the Azure Practice Architect for Rackspace Technology. Until 2016, I have spent most of my career in traditional infrastructure (racks, switches, storage, servers, etc.). I have since moved to the edge of technology and have fully embraced this mystical thing everyone calls “The Cloud”. My particular focus in cloud is 100% Microsoft Azure. As the Azure Practice Architect, I get the pleasure (and sometimes pain) of bending and stretching all of what is possible through the Azure platform to each business that I am called on to help. I’ll bring a little of that experience to this blog as well as a place for me to just dump things that I learn that I find useful. I hope you do as well.
My first real start in IT was on a helpdesk, as I’m sure most that are reading this have done. And over the years have worked my way to where I am now. So if you’re reading this and you’re on a helpdesk, keep at it as you’ve only just begun. It’s not been easy and I’ve failed more often than I’ve had success but I’m not through yet. I still have miles and miles to go. However, my absolute favorite part of this whole journey has been meeting the woman of my dreams, my best friend, mother to my 3 children and my wonderful wife, Jamie. You see, we met while I was working on my first helpdesk gig in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She’ll never admit to this but she is the real reason I’ve made it this far in my career. It’s important to know that my faith guides me, my family drives me and my love of technology fuels the whole thing.
So why the name ‘Technical Anxiety’? Glad you asked! So I battle with this little thing called “Generalized Anxiety Disorder” which, if you ask me, is just a fancy way of saying that ‘not taking care of yourself is real bad’. And through my learning about anxiety, how it impacts your body and the things you can do to reduce and/or get rid of it totally, a big part of that for me is technology (don’t forget to eat clean and healthy and exercise regularly). Whether it’s shutting my office door putting my headphones on and really getting into a seriously tough problem or just airing out ideas and thoughts with others, this is all made possible by my love of technology. I’ve learned to use my daily work to my advantage to otherwise turn around a very stressful environment and make it a place to grow and learn. I would really like to add topics like this mixed in with other techie things because I think it really does fit with the everyday life of an IT professional. That said, these posts aren’t going to write themselves!
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
-Jason a.k.a. ‘TechnicalAnxiety’
Especially proud of this recognition